
Jerry Chang



離開台灣接近三十年, 僑居加拿大多倫多, 心裡面總是思想著寶島故鄉, 不僅僅思念家人和好友, 也一直盼望可以為這片土地做點甚麼. 2024年初與家人回台環島旅遊特別安排兩天的單車騎乘, 發現騎單車是一個最能夠體驗好山好水, 也更能親近這片生我養我土地的方式, 在路上剛好看到 1919 的車隊, 感謝神讓我發現這個可以一方面完成年輕時未完成的夢想, 一方面也可以藉由我來幫忙募款給1919救助協會. 讓1919救助協會在未來的這一年間, 使神的愛繼續走動, 幫助更多需要幫助的人, 感恩1919協會連年都有這麼有意義的活動, 我也殷切的期盼, 希望您可以幫助1919救助協會的募款目標還有我個人小小的夢想!

After leaving Taiwan, I have lived in Toronto, Canada for nearly 30 years. I always think about my hometown on the island. Not only do I miss my family and friends, but I also always hope to do something for this land. In early 2024, I returned to Taiwan with my family to travel around the island and specially arranged a two-day bicycle ride. Cycling is the best way to experience the beautiful mountains and rivers and get closer to the land that birthed and raised me. I saw the 1919 convoy on the road. Thank God for allowing me to discover this. On the one hand, I can complete the unfinished dream of my youth, and on the other hand, I can help raise funds for the 1919 Relief Association. Let the 1919 Relief Association continue to move around God’s love in the coming year for more people in need. I am grateful to the 1919 Association for such meaningful activities in those successive years. I am looking forward to it sincerely. I hope you can help with the fundraising goal of the 1919 Rescue Association and my little personal dream!